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The curse of sex trafficking in America

The curse of sex trafficking in America

Along with millions of other movie-goers, my wife and I attended the blockbuster movie, Sound of Freedom. We did so due to the generosity of an anonymous donor that paid for the whole theatre! The theme of the movie came from a captivating line by Jim Caveziel’s character when he said, “God’s children are not for sale.” The movie took America by storm, framing the massive multibillion-dollar demonic sex trafficking industry in a compelling way.


Spatchcock is a new word to me, but it’s been around for a long time. Research indicates it originated in Ireland in the 18 th century and is a variation on the phrase “dispatching a cock.” The cock is a bird. In culinary terms, spatchcock simply means to split a bird open and lay it flat for cooking. It’s supposed to make it cook quick and even. Have you ever tried to split a turkey in half ? It ain’t easy. I watched my wife and a 350-pound man wrestle with a turkey until they finally succeeded in removing the big bid’s spine by carving, sawing, pulling and sweating. They spent nearly an hour working with the slick and unruly hunk of poultry.

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The Church’s finest hour

America is rotting from within. Lethal illegal drugs are being trafficked into our nation. Criminals are running our cities. Teaching children unthinkable immoral acts is championed. Justice is dependent on your political party and personal views. The family has been redefined. Gender is a personal choice. Killing babies before birth is a convenience. Lies are declared as truth to sway the masses, and truth is based on feelings. Why is all this happening? Because of America’s insatiable desire to satisfy her own lusts, and the consequences of that perilous pursuit.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331