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Are you a phony Christian?

Are you a phony Christian?

Once while traveling internationally a young woman caught my eye in the airport. She was with an older man, who did not seem to be her husband or father. Her face looked filled with despair. Something was not right. I prayed, wondering if she was in some type of danger. As the couple was getting their luggage, the man stepped away, leaving the woman sitting alone. I felt compelled to do something, so I asked a young woman in our group to come with me. Together we went to the woman while the man was gone. I introduced ourselves and shared, “I saw you sitting there and wanted to let you know, I’m praying for you. If you need help with anything, let me know.” Then soon afterward the man came back, and the two left the airport.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331