Old folks at home?
Family reunions are dwindling, going the way of the wild goose. Some, however, will hold annual gatherings soon. Littering nearby, though, are limbs of family trees that are no more.
Family reunions are dwindling, going the way of the wild goose. Some, however, will hold annual gatherings soon. Littering nearby, though, are limbs of family trees that are no more.
House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, narrowly won re-election in a hotly contested runoff race and has vowed to seek his third term as speaker, drawing threats from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to oppose any of his supporters in the 2024 primary.
By the time you reach retirement age, you may have accumulated a 401(k), IRA and other investment accounts, along with insurance policies and physical properties. You’ll use some of these assets to support your retirement, but the rest may end up in your estate — which is why an estate plan is so important.
In the growing-up years of long ago, close enough was usually good enough. Precision rules now, though, and “guestimates” that were acceptable then don’t pass muster now.
Every week it seems like we hear about some wellknown figure’s moral carelessness coming to light. An athlete’s early morning brawl at an exclusive club. A politician’s scheme to enrich himself. A pastor’s affair with a church member. A media personality twisting the truth to further their storyline. A businessman’s complex effort to steal from his company and its investors.
Idon’t even know what game we’re supposed to be playing!” my husband, Peter, told me.
Iread something today that changed my perception of the concept of confidence. It said something along the lines of: “Confidence can’t be seen or heard. It can’t be created by anyone but you.”
Seven Texas counties have been approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for grants for emergency work and replacement of disaster-damaged public infrastructure, after severe weather and flooding struck much of Deep East Texas, Gov. Gregg Abbott’s office reported. Counties eligible for FEMA’s Public Assistance program include Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity and Walker.
The old hymn declares that we are marching to higher ground. Our prevailing culture, however, suggests otherwise.
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Lamesa, TX 79331