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Marry a Man who will

Marry a Man who will stand the heat with you

June in West Texas was brutally hot and windy. Was it worse than normal, or am I just getting cranky? This June hurt. Then there were flies. Oh the flies! The biting flies! Hundreds, no, thousands... No, I’m positive there were millions of flies. My poor horses and donkeys were miserable. They quit eating, and instead, swatted flies with their tails and swung their heads all day and night. They were constantly stomping their feet, staying in motion, trying to combat the biting flies. They were sleep deprived and didn’t act like themselves. I bought everything that promised it would kill flies, but each product helped for only a few minutes. I kept two fans running in the barn to try and give them some relief from the heat and shoo the flies away, but it didn’t come close to making a difference.

Fixed-income investments provide several benefits

Fixed-income investments provide several benefits

When many people think about investing, the first thing that comes to mind is the stock market. And that’s not surprising, as the rise and fall of stock prices is constantly in the news. But if you’re going to achieve your financial goals, you may well need to look beyond stocks and include fixed-income investments in your portfolio.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331