Historical commission formed
Dawson County apparently has never had a Texas Historical Commission.
Dawson County apparently has never had a Texas Historical Commission.
South Elementary has released the honor roll list for the second nine weeks of the 2024-2025 school year.
Nicole Singleton went before county commissioners Jan. 21 with a report about the Texas AgriLife Extension Service’s activities.
Preparation for the May 3 election is the only action item on the Dawson County Hospital District’s agenda.
The Lamesa school board members are holding a special meeting starting at 6 p.m., Wednesday in the Central Office’s board room at 212 N. Houston Ave.
Mesa Underground Water Conservation District board members met Wednesday to vote on well permits and learn about how the organization stands with the Texas Water Conservation Board (TWDB) in Austin.
After almost two decades serving the city, Mayor Josh Stevens isn’t planning to seek re-election in the May 3 mayoral race.
An interlocal agreement between the city and county hit another dead-end Tuesday when city council members voted 3-4 to kill their own alterations to the joint agreement over law enforcement and jail services.
Future ninth graders, high school students’ relatives and just about anyone interested in education converged onto the Lamesa High School campus Thursday night to take a closer look at the school’s Career and Technology Education (CTE) facilites.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331