Some offices not open today
Thanksgiving may be over, but that doesn’t mean everything is open.
Thanksgiving may be over, but that doesn’t mean everything is open.
Klondike FFA will be sending 17 members to the state FFA Leadership Development Events contest after placing two teams and one individual among the top two in their events at the Area II contest this past weekend.
The American Farm Bureau Federation’s (AFBF) annual convention is set for Jan. 24-29 in San Antonio.
Cover crops are going into the ground and protocols are being written for a Texas A&M AgriLife Research-led project designed to help producers across the Cotton Belt improve e_ciencies and the sustainability of their operations.
They lined up outside the middle school gym Sunday as Kingdom Culture Ministries church members and volunteers inside prepared to distribute the turkeys and boxes of non-perishable food items days before Thanksgiving.
Dawson County commissioners removed a sentence in a proposed interlocal agreement that seemed like the city would exchange 9-1-1 emergency services for the county housing its nonmagistrated detainees in the county jail.
A year ago, Lamesa High School teachers’ aide/library aide Iris Lucio wanted to do something that students could enjoy while also staying within the Thanksgiving holiday spirit.
Alice Ortegon and her helpers have all they need to make the community Thanksgiving meal Thursday.
Thursday is Thanksgiving Day and that means many businesses, governmental facilities and banks are closed for the day.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331