Pancakes are being prepared
The 73rd annual edition of Lamesa’s big pancake supper is now just about three weeks away.
Klondike board extends superintendent’s contract
Klondike School Superintendent Steve McLaren did well on his appraisal conducted by the school board during their Monday meeting.
County sees slight increase in KBDI
When Fire Chief Larry Duyck goes before county commissioners during their regular meetings, he usually presents them with a fire threat report covering a two week period.
O’Donnell FFA students show champion steers
At last year’s Dawson County Junior Livestock Show, Maci Davis, 9, took second place with an American steer.
King, Crockett win with champion lambs
Last year Klondike FFA member Quinn King won reserve grand champion with her finewool cross lamb in the Dawson County Junior Livestock Show.
Klondike FFA students wins grand champion goat title
An 11-year-old Klondike FFA student captured the grand champion prize for her market goat entered into the Dawson County Junior Livestock Show Thursday in the Lee Roy Colgan building.
The most difficult New Year’s Resolution
Over four billion people have a smartphone, which is about 54% of the global population, according to an Internet Connectivity report. In the United States the percentage is dramatically higher, a Zippia research study identified that over 80% (270 million) of Americans own one.
The car wash dress
My sister took me to task. “You know I was not being mean about your dress, don’t you?”