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The sister-brother duo of Jordyn Roschetzky and Hunter Roschetzky captured top overall honors Thursday evening in the lamb competition at the Dawson County Livestock Show. Jordyn’s medium wool lamb was chosen the grand champion, and Hunter’s medium wool lamb was selected reserve grand champion. Both Jordyn and Hunter are members of the Dawson County 4-H. Dawson County Junior Livestock Show Lamb Show Class 1 Finewool: 1. Isabell Moreau, Lamesa FFA; 2. Sagen Oaks, Lamesa FFA; 3. Isabell Moreau, Lamesa FFA; 4. Arthur Washington, Dawson County 4-H Finewool Breed Champion: Isabell Moreau Finewool Reserve Breed Champion: Sagen Oaks Class 2 Finewool Cross: 1. Bailey Boles, Lamesa FFA; 2. Bailey Boles,

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Lamesa Press-Reporter

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Lamesa, TX 79331