Golden Tornado golfers fourth in own invitationals
Both the Golden Tornadoes’ girls and boys golf squads finished fourth in their annual invitationals this past week at the Lamesa Municipal Golf Course.
Both the Golden Tornadoes’ girls and boys golf squads finished fourth in their annual invitationals this past week at the Lamesa Municipal Golf Course.
Having hosted a McTeacher’s Night fundraiser on Feb. 25 to benefit the Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) at South Elementary, the local McDonald’s restaurant this past week presented a $1,000 check to the school. Shown are (from left) South Elementary PTSD Treasurer M’Layna Moreno, PTSO President Reyna Garza, Principal Shelley Mann, and McDonald’s representatives Robyn Snowberger, Edwina Trevino and Chris Snowberger LPR photo
Recipients of the Lamesa Community Players’ LaCopa awards for the 2019 season were named at the organization’s annual meeting and awards dinner recently. Winners are (front, from left) Virginia Leonard, Lifetime Achievement Award; Randy Leonard, Best Actor in Prisoner of 2nd Avenue; Mary Benton, Best Supporting Actress in Prisoner of 2nd Avenue; Terri Stahl, J.W. Dennis Award; (back) Richard Leonard, Lifetime Achievement Award; Letha Leonard, Best Actress in Prisoner of 2nd Avenue; Anthony Soliz, Rookie Actor in Ripcord; Sandra Adams, Rookie Actress in Prisoner of 2nd Avenue; and Jim Landsaw with K-Bob’s Steakhouse, Friend of LCP. LCP photo
Registration is now underway at the Lamesa campus of Howard College for Track 1 of a “Safety in the Sanctuary” seminar workshop.
Funeral service for George Everett “Jack” Cave, age 93, of Ackerly, Texas, will be held Saturday, March 14, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
Charles Lindsay “Bill” Busby, IV, aged 73, passed away on March 11, 2020, in Corpus Christi, Texas after declining health conditions and heart complications.
Funeral service for John Dell Barron, 77, of Lamesa will be held Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at Second Baptist Church with Dennis Adams officiating.
Students in Jimmy Tercero’s engineering class at Lamesa High School went to the North Elmentary playground Wednesday morning to fi re off small rockets that they built from scratch in class.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331