Mayor not filing for re-election
After almost two decades serving the city, Mayor Josh Stevens isn’t planning to seek re-election in the May 3 mayoral race.
After almost two decades serving the city, Mayor Josh Stevens isn’t planning to seek re-election in the May 3 mayoral race.
An interlocal agreement between the city and county hit another dead-end Tuesday when city council members voted 3-4 to kill their own alterations to the joint agreement over law enforcement and jail services.
Future ninth graders, high school students’ relatives and just about anyone interested in education converged onto the Lamesa High School campus Thursday night to take a closer look at the school’s Career and Technology Education (CTE) facilites.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
When Lamesa school students returned from their Christmas vacation Jan. 7, they came with five more students.
For months, School Superintendent David Ritchey notified school board members about his worries over Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s push for school vouchers that uses public funding to pay for private education.
Though its ratings have inched a little higher, the county’s chances of grassland fires due to the environment hasn’t changed much in the past two weeks.
Idon’t normally tackle controversial issues, but today I’m going out on a limb.
Relax. This is NOT going to be another one of those “promise pieces” about helpful resolutions that might elevate life for me in 2025. I leave that to others.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331