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Lamesa Press-Reporter

Financial tips for new veterans

Financial tips for new veterans

On Veterans Day, we honor the men and women who have served in our armed forces. If you’ve recently separated or retired from the military, or you will be leaving soon, you can be proud of the service you’ve provided to your country. But once you’re a veteran, away from the structure and imperatives of the military, you may need to take greater control over managing your finances and protecting your family.

Seminole moves to House District 88, gets new State Rep.

SEMINOLE – The State of Texas’ redistricting is complete, as required by law following each census. With new lines drawn, Seminole finds itself in State House District 88 instead of District 83. It also replaces former Rep. Dustin Burrows with Republican Rep. Ken King as Gaines County’s state representative.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331