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How to know the right thing to do

How to know the right thing to do

How do we know information that we are reading, watching, listening to or being told is accurate? Maybe we will say, “Because it comes from my mom”, “It sounds believable”, “Everyone is saying it”, “I read it on the internet.” Since we live in a time of disinformation, fact-checkers and fake news, how do we know what is true and thereby make important decisions,comments or accept certain beliefs on things?

What are your financial resolutions for 2022?

What are your financial resolutions for 2022?

As you know, 2021 was full of challenges. We were still feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic when supply chains shut down and inflation heated up. So, if you’re like many people, you might not be sorry to see the year come to a close. But now it’s time to look ahead to a brighter 2022. And on a personal level, you may want to set some New Year’s resolutions. You might resolve to improve your health and diet, and possibly learn some new skills, but why not make some financial resolutions, too?

State steps up emphasis on driving sober during holidays

State steps up emphasis on driving sober during holidays

The Texas Department of Transportation has kicked off its statewide “Drive Sober. No Regrets” drunk driving prevention program for the holidays. Throughout the month, TxDOT has released videos of people who deal with the daily consequences of driving while impaired, either as an offender or survivor.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331