Dealing with The Stomachache
I get stomachaches. I get them with regularity and always have.
“It’s just gas!” my mother says, and of course, she’s right.
I get stomachaches. I get them with regularity and always have.
“It’s just gas!” my mother says, and of course, she’s right.
I barely remember not being a mom. Even more so, I barely remember my first six months as a mom. I blame it on two things: shock and sleep deprivation – not necessarily in that order.
Today’s retirees, and those of tomorrow, have had a sense of purpose their entire lives – and they don’t intend to give it up just because they’ll no longer be working full time. In fact, 55% of recent retirees said retirement is the time for “a new chapter in life,” compared with just 22% who said it was “a time for rest and relaxation,” according to the 2020 Edward Jones/Age Wave Four Pillars of the New Retirement study. And the same study found that 95% of retirees said it was important to keep learning and growing at every age. But however they find their purpose – contributing to the community, growing intellectually, gaining new experiences and so on – retirees will need to be financially prepared.
Vistra, an energy powerhouse based in Irving, announced plans to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.
Pastor and church leader, do you anticipate encouraging your congregation to vote in the general election on November 3rd? I hope every pastor and church leader will help make the Christian vote the highest turnout among any group.
Yesterday, I had a nice long Zoom chat with an old friend.
At the time of year when parents, children and teachers were committing to take on a new school year, our son-in-law Bryan Choate and our grandchildren Ben, 19, and Brittin, 16, were dealing with the
I wear a mask when out in public because that is what I (and we) are asked to do. The experts tell us that masks help stop the spread of COVID and I usually follow the advice of experts; they often know more than I do.
Texas’ first- and third-largest cities could be in daily commuting distance from each other via the high-speed Texas Central Railroad.
The day’s twilight came with September at its best. My wife urged me to take Sailor, our rescue dog, on a walk around the block.
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Lamesa, TX 79331