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Facing America’s Past

Facing America’s Past

When my wife and I took a personal trip to New Mexico, at one point we found ourselves standing in front of an old building that was half in ruins. It was surrounded by a cemetery with rickety crosses, some leaning to the left and others to the right. As we asked about the building, we were told it used to be a church, and as we learned what happened there, we were left speechless.

A return to Carlsbad Cavern

A return to Carlsbad Cavern

Since its discovery at the end of the 19th century, Carlsbad Caverns has been an international destination for travelers. Being in West Texas for over 45 years, I have had the privilege of walking the same route from the Visitor’s Center, through the natural entrance, down 1.5 miles to the Big Room and 1 mile around the Room, to the elevators and up to the gift shops, with more than 100 different people from all over the world.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331